
Due to a lot of hate I have received on my Tom Holland books for not updating I have come to the decision of unpublishing them because I constantly made myself clear that I would no longer be keeping them up if I received anymore. I will rethink about publishing them again at a later date. Thank you to everyone who gave me support. 


@candyflossNbubblegum I’m sorry you were getting hate - I just started reading gwmmows last night and what I read was sooo good- I’m sad it’s gone and I hope it comes back eventually because im hooked


Due to a lot of hate I have received on my Tom Holland books for not updating I have come to the decision of unpublishing them because I constantly made myself clear that I would no longer be keeping them up if I received anymore. I will rethink about publishing them again at a later date. Thank you to everyone who gave me support. 


@candyflossNbubblegum I’m sorry you were getting hate - I just started reading gwmmows last night and what I read was sooo good- I’m sad it’s gone and I hope it comes back eventually because im hooked


Hi All, hope you are well. 
          I’ve posted this four times yet it seems to get deleted as I can’t find it on my page. 
          I understand that I won’t understand but I will STAND with you. 
          To all my readers/followers of POC, I want you to know I stand with you and have been doing everything I can over this past week to help. 
          If you want to help please share things on social media, sign petitions, donate or go to protests if you can. 
          We will NOT be silent. We WILL be heard. 
          I stand with you. 
          KoKo Xxx


Hi, just wanted u to know. If u ever need a break, just take one, no one else needs an explanation, always take time to make sure you’re feeling okay, because there’s always time for you. Take care of yourself. x


Thank you so much, I’m taking a break from my bigger books at the moment (for some reason writing them stresses me out). It means a lot you writing this so thank you gorgeous xx


Hey!!!!! I love all of your fan fiction! I really wish that I was that good at writing them. I can't seem to even come up with an idea most of the time. I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration to everyone!!!!!


Sorry my darling I’ve just seen this. Thank you so much it means so much xxx


I have loved every single one of your works because they are simply amazing. You've made me feel every possible emotion from happiness and laughter, to anger and sadness. And, yes, you have brought me to tears (several times might I add) but I love experiencing these. You are an amazing writer so don't lose faith. We kokopuffs will always be here waiting so take your time! Thank you for everything, you've really inspired me xoxo ❤️❤️❤️


This is so sweet! I’m sorry I’ve just seen this. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me reading this. You’ve made my day xxx


Hey I read your last "message" from the tom holland harry Holland Sam holland and Harrison Osterfeld book and I just wanted to tell u that your stories are great and that these dumb haters shouldn't get u down! I mean I don't know u personally but u are probably really great and u are better than whatever they are saying about u or towards your book ! And if u don't feel good rn bc of the haters or whatever is going on in your life just know that I support you , get well soon and take your time if u need it. I just hope you'll feel better and have great day 


Oh darling! That’s so lovely of you thank you so much. I really needed this right now, I honestly appreciate this loads. I’m working on something so I’m trying  sending my love xxx