
Hi! I intend to post the second book of 'Tamer of Another World' with ten initial chapters but I'm taking a long time in doing so. For the meantime, I'll post it with five chapters only. 
          	I hope that everyone can still support my main story! 
          	As for the second book, just visit my profile and look for newly published book with the same name. 


@carl_sheen still waiting for new chapters :< I really love this story


Hi author how are you doing, am just trying to check if you are still going to be posting chapters of the 'Tamer of Another World '


Author I hope you are doing mentally and physically, we understand that if you are having a hard time in your life we are happy to know if you are still ok, we hope that you will take care of yourself we will be waiting for you to be back here again!!! Pls be ok author