
What's up guys?
          	Carlyann here.
          	It's been a while. A really long while.
          	I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all the new followers.
          	Also, go check out the first few parts to my newest story, It Happened Like This. I hope to work on it over the summer because guess what?
          	Schools out in 4 days for me!! Ahhh!!!
          	I'm super excited, and hopefully you'll be seeing more of me soon.


What's up guys?
          Carlyann here.
          It's been a while. A really long while.
          I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all the new followers.
          Also, go check out the first few parts to my newest story, It Happened Like This. I hope to work on it over the summer because guess what?
          Schools out in 4 days for me!! Ahhh!!!
          I'm super excited, and hopefully you'll be seeing more of me soon.


What's up you guys?
          Carlyann here.
           This is so random but I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate Connor Franta. If you don't know who he is, he is the most frantabulous person to ever live. No seriously though, he is a youtuber who has gone through so much, make meaningful videos, and yet somehow still manages to be funny and loving. If you don't watch YouTube, or just don't watch his channel, I strongly encourage you to. He has helped me through a lot of personal struggles, and just makes me laugh when I'm feeling down. I am reading his book right now, and it is inspiring me so much. I love him so much, and would give almost anything to meet him. So yeah, go check him out, and remember to never stop doing what you love, no matter what.
          As I said before, this was so random, but anyways, I love you guys so much.
          And on a side note, I'm working on a side project now, and will probably be posting the first chapter or two in a couple of months. I just wanna get a lot of it done before I start putting it on here.


Hey guys I know it's been a while, but I just wanted to check in and let you know that I didn't spontaneously combust.  Anywho, I probably won't be updating soon, as I'm still writing outside of wattpad right now. That's about it but you should also go check out my sister, @graci25. She hasn't written a lot yet but I'm encouraging her to get a move on! Alrighty then I love y'all's,
           Love- carlyann


What's up guys? Just random I felt the need to post a message. But anyways, I know I haven't posted a chapter  in a while.  Sorry! But I'm kinda writing outside of Wattpad so I'lol post the story when I finish it. And I have so many ideas but just not enough time. But thanks so much for all the new followers and I love y'all's- 