
Okay so legit had a heart attack because I had to factory reset my PC due to a error on it a few days ago and I THOUGHT lost all my backups (not too mention precious family pictures) and current writing.
          	HOWEVER I had auto-backup setup on OneDrive so all I lost was a some minor stuff.  I forgot I set it up when I deleted my chapter last time!   I now own a 2 Terabyte external hard drive just for this as well. 


Okay so legit had a heart attack because I had to factory reset my PC due to a error on it a few days ago and I THOUGHT lost all my backups (not too mention precious family pictures) and current writing.
          HOWEVER I had auto-backup setup on OneDrive so all I lost was a some minor stuff.  I forgot I set it up when I deleted my chapter last time!   I now own a 2 Terabyte external hard drive just for this as well. 


Again, thank you all for your continued support and unwavering patience with my long and unexpected hiatus.  I am hoping to have the next chapters out in February (I had planned to have the chapter released Christmas eve or day but you'll see as to why) but some unfortunate news came up:
          My father is dying. 
          I am not gong into details here but at best he has 6 months but it's more around 3.  I will let you all know more as things go forward but you all deserve to know why I've been so quiet. 
          I truly appreciate you all and I hope to update with happy smiles. 


@Autumn_Lynnwood385 *is. Lol auto correct is a pain


@Autumn_Lynnwood385 Thank you.  I know all my readers are kind and very understanding.  I'm spending lots of time with what little time I have left with him. 
            Every second us precious.


@cartoonicaddic oh I'm so sorry... It must be really hard for you
            Take as much time as you need, no one is rushing you. I wish you and your family well and hope that you can spend a lot of time with your father
            I'm really sorry...


I'd like to thank you all for continued patience with me.
          My mon got her cast off Friday the 29th, but is still struggling a bit.  It's been a struggle for her and me and I haven't had any time to write.  I've been cleaning for her; taking her to doc appointments as she couldn't drive to them as they were out of town.
          Because of this (as well as my own medical troubles I'd like to get into the posted chapters) I have been too exhausted to write.  Now that she's "better" I'm going to try to work in time to write now.  I won't make promises now, life's been too dumb for me as of late.
          Again, thank you so much for sticking around with me.


@cartoonicaddic take your time ❤️❤️ I can wait 


Lol it finally happened; got a message (won't say where or how, and if you do happen to see it... please don't say anything to the person) in the bookmarks about my story that they didn't care how it was progressing and was waiting for a few more updates to skip chapters.
          Lol damn .


Next chapter WILL be out by March 5-6; possibly earlier but guaranteed by then.  I'm sorry it has taken so long but my health has been...bad.  Nothing serious but just normal stuff for me, just hit a lot this last month.  Plus I did not want to force out the chapter after deleting nearly half of it. 
          Thank you all for your continued patience!  <3


          Bad news: I deleted the wrong version of the chapter! I lost 1/4 of it! So I have to we-write the last few pages of it....damn it all to hell.... at least I always keep multiple copies... learned that years ago. So I'll try to get it out ASAP. Probably be out by Wednesday by the earliest, giving my work is kind to me.
          Thank you all for understanding.


@Ban4nagirl Thanks for understanding. Years ago, I did the same thing, only it was the ENTIRE CHAPTER....I about died.   I lable my chapters like this :  chapter 15 - correction, if it's in the spelling correction phase... that's the one I deleted...
            From now on,  I'm labeling like this:  Correction - Chapter 15 so that never happens again.


@cartoonicaddic take your time :)