
btw im probably gonna move to @kirktheripper for like a fresh start thing plus that username is kickass LMAO


me when i get back on here cause i got obsessed with metallica again


            ahh !! i'm glad you're doing well too !! <33
            also yeah me too lol


@orionsktulu RIGHT i get so used to reply being the top option


@orionsktulu BUT yes i am doing well ty im glad you are too <33


okay im gonna delete wattpad soon, the only socials im gonna leave here are lesbianas#7020 (my discord) and kobragloss (my tumblr). sorry to those who liked my kobra kid fic, and also thank you to those who gave me plenty of support for it, i appreciate it endlessly. wishing you all the best ❤


yeah we're friends on discord!! and idk if i will im horrible at starting convos lmao but i'd still love to talk :)
            (  @fuckconformity  )


i think people really need to watch the queer kiwi's video on the billie eilish situation cause it gives really good points on why real people can't queerbait (invalidates their privacy, encourages us that we should know everyone's sexuality ever even when it changes, perpetuates that straight is the norm, makes people "prove" they aren't straight which is forcing them to come out of the closet and until they "prove" they aren't straight then they're queerbaiting, forces people further into the closet, tells people they can't explore their sexuality openly, etc) and why we should be mad at her bf instead of her (HE'S LITERALLY 29 AND SHE'S 19 HE HAS A FULLY DEVELOPED BRAIN SHE DOESN'T YOUR POWER IS LITERALLY A SONG ABOUT HOW SHE'S SO EASILY MANIPULATED WHY ARE WE BLAMING THE CLEAR VICTIM HERE HUH)
          so here's the video
          no i'm not in the mood to debate about it literally anywhere. i'm not being close minded, i just don't want to debate about this. i've done that already. i'm not asking you to change your opinion if you think she's queerbaiting, i'm just saying my share and providing a source so you can hear the other side. however, stop blaming billie for her boyfriend's actions. direct relation to a bigot does not also make you bigoted, that's incredibly invalidating to all victims (who aren't bigoted themselves and maybe even part of minorities) who've been in toxic relationships with bigots. the video explains it much better than i ever could.
          in other news, i've been thinking of deleting this app. it's dry here, i don't like it anymore, and i don't have any muse to update the only book i have on here (sorry to the people who enjoy it). so i'm probably just gonna delete the app soon.
          i know this isn't a cheerful message, and i'm sorry about that, but i'm not exactly cheerful either.


yeah ofc, that sounds fine! what's your tag? i'll friend you
            (  @rareandlovely  )


this message may be offensive
funny how some of y'all will complain about the "default sexuality" being straight and then immediately turn around and call someone out for queerbaiting........ aren't we supposed to abolish the ideology that straight is the "default sexuality"? if someone drops a "hint" at being queer, leave them the fuck alone. it's not always a hint but if it is, still leave them the fuck alone. don't make them "prove" that they aren't "straight anymore". give people time to come out. chill out if someone says that something of theirs considered to be queerbaiting is just a misunderstanding. not everything is a hint to someone being queer. a girl saying "i love girls" does not mean she's lesbian, bi, pan, etc; a boy saying "i love boys" does not mean he's gay, bi, pan, etc; so on and so forth. chill. the. fuck. out.


Public figures (although individuals) are 110% capable of queerbaiting since it's a rather successful marketing technique


@cashandandrogyny the example you gave, when done by a public figure publicly and then saying "it's just two friends, nothing to see here", is clear queerbaiting. They know that something like this attracts public attention and that's why they are doing it. Being homophobic is not queerbaiting


@CrAzYmArY2003 the thing is, it shouldn't be queerbaiting if it's a real person. i get it in the entertainment business, representation is very important there, but if it's a public figure "dropping hints" or "queerbaiting" they should just be left alone. like for example, if a girl celebrity is seen kissing another girl and people think she's queer, then she announces that it's just a friend and they were "making out for fun" or whatever, cool, okay, got it, you do you, friends can kiss, they could even be queerplatonic partners. but that isn't our business. the queerbaiting thing would only make sense for real people if they're making fun of queer people and it's blatantly obvious that they are.