
hey! i don't know if you'll ever see this, honestly i don't even know where i'm going with writing this, but i found your book on the tag for sapphic- it's right around where mine is and i honestly was just stalking to see what looked interesting. i opened it and i read the whole thing, not sure if that was invading your privacy but it was on the internet so i'm assuming this is what you intended. anyways, back to my point. i just basically "broke up" with my best friend yesterday after two years of being each other's rock. she was absolutely everything to me until it all started to fall apart. we got busy, had no time to talk and she got pissed at me for not spending my little amount of free time with her, personalities began to clash and it was hard, but i had to be the one to tell her that we had to break it off. and it was the most difficult thing i've ever had to do. what you wrote in your book is almost exactly how i feel about how things ended, and how i wish things went over. it's not a good feeling, and i've had some time to process going through with it for months. but now that it's over i just feel.. numb. it's going to be a tough road, but i just wanted to let you know that your writing was seen, and that it struck a chord with someone who thinks it matters. i'm wishing the best for you darling, and i sincerely hope that one day you'll find your happiness. ♡


thank you so much for reading my story and for your message. i’m so sorry that you can relate to what i’ve written. if i’ve learned anything from my own experience, it’s that you can’t push the feelings and the pain away and ignore them no matter how much you want to. i hope that things begin to get better for you and you find your happiness as well because a beautiful soul like you deserves the best <3