Hey.. Call me D...!!! Lets just say i'm a Simply Complicated person.. :-D 
I'am absolutely CRAZZY about reading, i Love to write, though i never show it to anyone, i feel too insecure about it.. so may be some day I may put my works on Wattpad.. or may be not. Lets see what happens about that.
~~random facts about me~~

I love love love wattpad.. I'am always on this site reading...
I love peanut butter, and i hate broccoli.
I love waterfalls (and i have wild dreams including the waterfalls which i cant share here :-P Not PG-13)
I'm a goner for dorritos and i hate nutrient bars.. I love Snickers..
I'am also a music freak but have no specifications, any loud pop works for me..
I usually love romance and crave for mysteries. For me there is nothing better than a hot romance on a cold night {:-P of course i'm talking about books} and a sizzling mystery never disappoints..

I've always wanted to go for river rafting and a trip in submarine.
I've also wanted to see mummies in the Egypt (weird, i know...!!!)
I love Magic even though i'm not into vampires and were-wolfs.. They're just not my genre, but that doesn't mean i don't read them.. :-D like i said, anything hot works for me.. :-)

Victorian vintage fanatic at the same time modern classic aesthetic!!!!

BLACK is love!!!!!!!

I hate if people manipulate their words while they speak, everything has to be direct with me..
I love lions, They are so Majestic.. If they were not wild and dangerous, i would have kept one as my pet. {yup... I may be crazy sometimes}

~more random facts~

-tv serials I'm addicted to
1. Supernaturals - Two words JENSEN ACKLES..
2. Castle
3. Sherlock
4. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
5. K drama fanatic
aaaaand many more.


So, I would appreciate encouragements and recommendations for new stories. I would definitely give my insight and thoughts on your wonder full works.

  • Wandering Souls!
  • RegistriertJanuary 13, 2012

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