
Would y'all prefer it if I publish all of my books (but I don't update them until I'm actively working on them) or just not to publish them at all until I'm done and ready to update regularly? Because on the one hand, it lets people add it to their library and kind of pick and choose the books they want to read but then they'll just be sitting there until I finally update them...


@celestial-skies-17 I don't mind either way. I don't mind letting them just sit in my library because it gives me something to look forward to lol. But I don't want you to get stressed if you feel there seems to be so many books you have to update at once... It's up to you 


Would y'all prefer it if I publish all of my books (but I don't update them until I'm actively working on them) or just not to publish them at all until I'm done and ready to update regularly? Because on the one hand, it lets people add it to their library and kind of pick and choose the books they want to read but then they'll just be sitting there until I finally update them...


@celestial-skies-17 I don't mind either way. I don't mind letting them just sit in my library because it gives me something to look forward to lol. But I don't want you to get stressed if you feel there seems to be so many books you have to update at once... It's up to you 


Would anyone be interested in a Fallout fanfiction? It would be Lucy MacLean x female oc and I've got lots of ideas!


@SpeciesisBookworm omg you totally should! I wasn't too into it at first and was really skeptical but it deserves the hype, it was great!


@celestial-skies-17 If you write it then it's my sign to watch it just so I can enjoy your book 