
might come back and write another short story…still thinkin about it


hey queen!!! did you ever publish the third book?


hi!! i’m afraid i have not ): someday, maybe. i have it mostly planned, but life’s been getting in the way and i haven’t had time to sit down and work through the kinks or actually write. i’m so sorry to disappoint!


hi !!!
          life’s been getting way ahead of me. i want to come back and continue my current stories, but i don’t know when i will. i’m not going to sugar coat it and say something about consistency and regular upload schedules, because i know currently i just can’t handle that.
          i’m not gone. i think about writing and my wattpad account nearly every day. i will be back soon.
          i love you all. ❤️


Hi! I was just wondering if you were still planning the final book with Harry and Celeste. I loved the first two, but it ended with so many things left to discover! Thanks!


Hi!! Thank you so much!! I definitely would like to, yes. I have ideas and a basic plot figured out, but life is crazy right now so I’m not sure when I’ll get around to putting it out as of now ❤️