
(making up for 3 absent days- i've been inactive due to college stuffs :3)
          	Day 07 : What books do I read?
          	I read Warriors books- and a bunch of sci-fi! I'm in a science fiction class that has sci-fi stuff EVERY DAY to turn in.
          	Day 08 : Three things I want to say to people; but I'm just saying it to everyone!!
          	1. Love you.
          	2. I hope you have a good day or night.
          	3. You're awesome.
          	Day 09 : Pet peeves
          	I've wrote on this before. I hate when someone makes repeated annoying sounds or noises. I get annoyed easily, though I usually just keep it in. The only thing that I absolutely cannot stand and will call you out on is popping knuckles / joints. I hate it. It kind of hurts my head a little and makes me uncomfortable.


@ceruleanbleuboii i cannot function without popping my fingers.. I only do it once a month I swear


Hi! I'm checking up on all my followers. Just wanna make sure you're doing alright and thank you for staying a follower of mine. I hope you're well!


@Another_Blurryface aw thanks ^^ I hope you are too!


(making up for 3 absent days- i've been inactive due to college stuffs :3)
          Day 07 : What books do I read?
          I read Warriors books- and a bunch of sci-fi! I'm in a science fiction class that has sci-fi stuff EVERY DAY to turn in.
          Day 08 : Three things I want to say to people; but I'm just saying it to everyone!!
          1. Love you.
          2. I hope you have a good day or night.
          3. You're awesome.
          Day 09 : Pet peeves
          I've wrote on this before. I hate when someone makes repeated annoying sounds or noises. I get annoyed easily, though I usually just keep it in. The only thing that I absolutely cannot stand and will call you out on is popping knuckles / joints. I hate it. It kind of hurts my head a little and makes me uncomfortable.


@ceruleanbleuboii i cannot function without popping my fingers.. I only do it once a month I swear


Day 06 : Band or musician that is important to me-
          NF! I love him <3


            Ooo I haven’t listened to him in awhile! Imma have to start listening to him again :0


Gn guuuys. I’m snuggling with my animal plushie to go to sleep.
          Gn <3


@ceruleanbleuboii awwwww, zeke, date meee <33


Random quotes from my family irl, for your enjoyment xD
          “You b-tches hungry?” 
          - Dad, to me and my sister.
          “Your dad’s being a lil fruity over there.” 
          - Stepmom
          “He just came up to me in the middle of class and kissed me on the neck. HE’S OUR COUSIN.” 
          - Bio younger brother
          “Satori was sh-tting- I mean- I MEANT SHIVERING.” 
          - Bio younger sister
          “Hey, [my deadname] can you watch me while I dance? In my room?” 
          - Younger stepbrother/E (Me afterward: uhhh no? Him: why noooot? *devious smirk*)
          “I don’t have dreams about girls. I only dream about boys. But I just dream about [E].” 
          - Youngest stepbrother