
GUYS! Thank you in all the 7 Kingdom's of Westeros!! I've reached 100 followers!! I honestly love you guys so much!! It feels amazing to know that accounts out there are liking mine and my books!! 
          	Cya peoples, and have a great day!!,
          	Artie xxxx




GUYS! Thank you in all the 7 Kingdom's of Westeros!! I've reached 100 followers!! I honestly love you guys so much!! It feels amazing to know that accounts out there are liking mine and my books!! 
          Cya peoples, and have a great day!!,
          Artie xxxx




Well. I'm shocked.
          HOW in only 1 and a half months is Wings- An Asgardian story at over 9K reads!!!! This is honestly the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!! Thank you so so SO much to all you readers who comment and leave a vote, or just read it in general!! You are all fantastic, and if this gets to 10K (which would be awesome) I will update more of the second book and mabye, just mabye make an artwork with all the characters in it!!
          Thank you, and cya peoples,
          Artie xxxx


Hey guys.
          First of all, omg. 
          In April, I announced that one of my books, Wings- An Asgardian story, had 7K. Its not even the end of May, and it now has more than 8K!!! Thank you so much to all you amazing readers who have voted and commented, it means so much to me!! I honestly love you all, and I hope you enjoyed the story, even if sometimes I look back on it in a less positive way. I really hope I will eventually stop procrastinating and write a new chapter for the sequel Avada Kedavra some time soon for you!
          Cya peoples,
          Artie xxxx


Hey people, a few announcements:
          1. I have published a new book, a Sherlock X Reader, so go check that out.
          2. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in forever, I'm writing a book I want yo get published for real at the moment.
          3. Wings- An Asgardian story has 7!!! Thank you so much readers, I love you all!!
          Well, that all from me.
          Artie xxxx