
In the night
          	There's a light
          	Guiding you home
          	In the wind 
          	There's a whisper
          	Of the time long gone
          	In the shadows
          	There's a power
          	Of song, in the message 
          	In the night 
          	There's a light
          	Where I'll find you
          	Alkronebusch March 23, 2023


In the night
          There's a light
          Guiding you home
          In the wind 
          There's a whisper
          Of the time long gone
          In the shadows
          There's a power
          Of song, in the message 
          In the night 
          There's a light
          Where I'll find you
          Alkronebusch March 23, 2023


I try and try and try again
          But nothing seems to go my way
          No more laughter, no more smiles
          Just no more 
          All the hope all the love just gone
          Not even a sliver left
          Sorry doesn't cut it
          All that I want al that I need
          Is not happening tonight 


Hope is in the sky
          Hope is on butterfly wings
          Hope is in everything 
          If we only open our eyes
          We can see
          What we're ment to be
          Love is a piece of trust
          Left out there for all
          Love is a journey 
          We all at some point take
          Love is a timeless emotion 
          That some wont understand 
          Nature is a song
          We just need to listen 
          To its sweet melody
          When we do
          A deeper meaning comes
          Of a peace that out last
          It all