
Emotions are normal, it's apart of being human. It's apart of existence. You will be happy , you will be sad, you will experience anger. Self mastery isn't about shutting off emotions. Self mastery is about knowing when and how to use your emotions and using them in moderation. You may fool yourself, but you can't fool me. We all experience emotions. Even Jesus in the bible got anger and flipped over the money lenders tables in the temple and said you have turned my father's house into a den of thieves. This was the perfect time to display anger, because he was passionate about his beliefs.  Never get to the point when you are no longer authentic. To feel and express  emotions make you organic. When you pretend you no longer get angry makes you (GMO). When you no longer feel emotions, you are no longer human. You are not even a God. Even God in the Bible was a Jealous God. Hahahaha. Loosen up, if you have no flaws, then you are perfect and have nothing to work on. I am honest with myself, so I know what to work on. I have flaws, so I discover them. So I can shine even brighter.


Emotions are normal, it's apart of being human. It's apart of existence. You will be happy , you will be sad, you will experience anger. Self mastery isn't about shutting off emotions. Self mastery is about knowing when and how to use your emotions and using them in moderation. You may fool yourself, but you can't fool me. We all experience emotions. Even Jesus in the bible got anger and flipped over the money lenders tables in the temple and said you have turned my father's house into a den of thieves. This was the perfect time to display anger, because he was passionate about his beliefs.  Never get to the point when you are no longer authentic. To feel and express  emotions make you organic. When you pretend you no longer get angry makes you (GMO). When you no longer feel emotions, you are no longer human. You are not even a God. Even God in the Bible was a Jealous God. Hahahaha. Loosen up, if you have no flaws, then you are perfect and have nothing to work on. I am honest with myself, so I know what to work on. I have flaws, so I discover them. So I can shine even brighter.


Pain is a door , it is a tool of awareness it is not just to make you sad. This is the misconception people make about pain on a mental level. This pain is just to make you more alert--because people only become alert when the nail goes deep into their heart and wounds them. Otherwise they don't become alert. When life is easy and comfortable who cares to become alert? 
           When someone you love dies or when a women/man leaves you , there is a possibility. A possibility, if you use it , to become aware.  You cry over them , you miss them and in your loneliness there is that chance to become alert. When the friend is gone you see life as a little more precious, you are alert to how quickly it can be taken. The nail in the heart is hurting but it can be used. The pain isnt to make you miserable or scared, it is you make you aware. And only when you are aware, the misery disappears. ✌
          Pain is a Door