
That was a year ago, a very long year which i never knew how i live my life with out him.
          	Drake was all i have.The only one! And since he's gone,i died each day.
          	I remember how we've met.I was running in this narrow, dark corridor. These drunk guys were trying to chase me.I'm just thirteen years old back then.I was in dead end, im shaking and crying.So afraid, i knew im in big danger if they catch me."Oh God please help me.!I prayed as these arms pull me, I almost scream to death, i thought he's one of the guys! Sshh! he told me while covering my mouth with one of his palm.He pull me so fast and silently close the door.Sshh! again he told me huskily, for even i tried to manage my breath it still produced nervous sound.
          	Now they're gone! Thanks Lord! What happened?Drake asked me.I ran away from home, my poster father was so bad.One night i woke up nervously cause i felt someone's touching me, even i'm still in shocked and tears still running my face, i still manage to answer him.He stood up, Two steps and he reached the smallest kitchen i saw.He got a glass poured some water and gave it to me.
          	What's your name? He asked me, Jasmine i answered him.I'm Drake, he stood infront of me waiting for me to finish my drinking.
          	I live hear,i heard him say.You can stay here for the night, you're safe here don't worry he continued.
          	Don't you have a family?I asked him.No, i'm alone Drake answered me.I was nine years old when i ran away from my third poster home, as i remembered, he continued.They're not good.We keep talking as if nothing happened to me a while ago! Until i felt my eyes closing to sleep!


That was a year ago, a very long year which i never knew how i live my life with out him.
          Drake was all i have.The only one! And since he's gone,i died each day.
          I remember how we've met.I was running in this narrow, dark corridor. These drunk guys were trying to chase me.I'm just thirteen years old back then.I was in dead end, im shaking and crying.So afraid, i knew im in big danger if they catch me."Oh God please help me.!I prayed as these arms pull me, I almost scream to death, i thought he's one of the guys! Sshh! he told me while covering my mouth with one of his palm.He pull me so fast and silently close the door.Sshh! again he told me huskily, for even i tried to manage my breath it still produced nervous sound.
          Now they're gone! Thanks Lord! What happened?Drake asked me.I ran away from home, my poster father was so bad.One night i woke up nervously cause i felt someone's touching me, even i'm still in shocked and tears still running my face, i still manage to answer him.He stood up, Two steps and he reached the smallest kitchen i saw.He got a glass poured some water and gave it to me.
          What's your name? He asked me, Jasmine i answered him.I'm Drake, he stood infront of me waiting for me to finish my drinking.
          I live hear,i heard him say.You can stay here for the night, you're safe here don't worry he continued.
          Don't you have a family?I asked him.No, i'm alone Drake answered me.I was nine years old when i ran away from my third poster home, as i remembered, he continued.They're not good.We keep talking as if nothing happened to me a while ago! Until i felt my eyes closing to sleep!