
Pat pat"' I'm proud! I love it schlattbur fanfiction :D. Please do take your time! One thing that cheers me up is, listening to audio edits on yt! That's just one suggestion, if you need more suggestions. I'm happy to give you some!  :D 


The fanfic you made was a real roller coaster of emotions, I do hope you make more but never overwork yourself.
          You have my full support ^^!


@BeePers0n ooo sure!! I'll send you a message on here and give you my discord and snapchat
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            Also if you ever need to talk or want to be friends I have discord and snapchat :D
            If your comfortable will telling your discord user(if you have it)
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Awwwh Thank you! And remember to take care of yourself
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you’re really good at making me feel emotions in your fanfic LAMFJDJS


no no no i wasn’t being sarcastic LOL. I mean like, It made me feel mad, happy, sad, etc
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@qiaislive were you being sarcastic? I'm genuinely confused lmao
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