
Hi guys! I know it’s been a very long time since i’ve said anything but unfortunately i will not be continuing the first borns, it’s been a really long time since i’ve had any motivation to continue due to personal problems and i’m deeply sorry if anyone was hoping for an update one day, however if anyones interested to find out how the story was going to originally progress i can always let you know :)


I hope all is well or gets better! It was one of my fave WIP. But I dont want you to feel like you owe us  anything, put yourself first always 


I’ve read countless of books both online and on paper and I can say with certainty that “Pedrify” had the most kind-blowing plot twists I have ever had the pleasure of encountering. This book didn’t simply rattle me it annihilated me. Whilst I’ve only just finished this absolute masterpiece I can honestly say that I would give anything to be able to read it for the first time again. The characters have been portrayed and written beautifully. Keep up the amazing work x


So sorry, “Perfidy” is what I meant however my autocorrect hates me


U should make another TMR book tbh


@cherrymarked please do continue it, i would definitely read it 


i actually did write a chapter draft for a new one but thought no one would be interested in reading it 


Hi guys! I know it’s been a very long time since i’ve said anything but unfortunately i will not be continuing the first borns, it’s been a really long time since i’ve had any motivation to continue due to personal problems and i’m deeply sorry if anyone was hoping for an update one day, however if anyones interested to find out how the story was going to originally progress i can always let you know :)


I hope all is well or gets better! It was one of my fave WIP. But I dont want you to feel like you owe us  anything, put yourself first always 
