
Also, I may have not written anything in forever, but I do still pop in from time to time to read some of the comments and posts on my profile and stories, so dont be surprised to see a random comment from me. I never expected to get this level of popular on this site .


Also, I may have not written anything in forever, but I do still pop in from time to time to read some of the comments and posts on my profile and stories, so dont be surprised to see a random comment from me. I never expected to get this level of popular on this site .


If only my story Fallen but not Broken became the same level of fame as Twist and Shout, that would be the day I really try to squeeze in some more writing. Ya boy is forced to write so much for college nowadays I rarely think about doing it in my freetime.


My children, how would you all feel about a trans destiel story?


Awe, that’s so cool. Well I’m sure everyone agrees with me that a trans destiel story would be really interesting and amazing to read :) :) ;) 


@Izumi_Cute4Ever thats actually what i had planned. tbh i made the cover for it and started it years ago but left it unfinished


I'm never on here anymore, but I need to get back into reading/writing. Who would still read any of my new stuff nowadays if I got back to the gring?


@chey319 me i love supernatural


@chey319 I WILL be reading it. I just forgot it was there with the holidays and then a bunch of family stuff as well as my own writing... I'm SOOO reading it tonight thiugh


@Golden-Moose yeah honestly only a fraction have actually read the sequel and it makes me kind of sad


Hello demon, I love your stories and I just wanted to say thanks for writing them. You've inspired me to work a bit harder on my yaoi stories


always have, always will


@char_fnaftale make the gay community proud


Hi. I've been reading your stories and they are absolutely marvelous. I was hoping if I could make a request.


Oh no its fine. But um... I forgot the request I was going to ask.  My apoligies.


@Arsenic_Catnip33 Damn im late whats up honey


Hey, I started reading your fanfic Fallen but not broken and I am really enjoying it but I can't keep reading it as I need to catch up on Supernatural and spoilers...
          But I am attempting to write a Destiel fanfic, it probs won't be any good as it's my first time writing and it will take a while to be published, but any pointers would be much appreciated. Also, when it is out, if you could read it and tell me if it is any good? You don't have to though. 


Thanks a lot. It is going to be a while before I publish it as I want to complete it beforehand because I don't think it is fair to readers if I personally write something and then I am unable to continue because I am busy. 
            Will do, I already have written almost a chapter but it is from like the middle of the book. I have holidays coming up tho so I should be able to get a lot of writing done then.
            Thanks again. I'll let you know when it's out


@Nerdyvamp13 sure kiddo. dont stress yourself out too much over it, have fun with it.