
Writing today! Expect big updates :) sunshine and maybe even beyond us if you guys are curious to read some of it


Omg I’ve been waiting like forever for updates. This is like a dream 


Hi everyone!
          First off, sorry for the long break! :( Life happened, and I was having some personal issues that are just now starting to sort of resolve. I'm sad that it affected my writing, and I have really missed it and I am working to get back in touch with that part of me so I can continue the All Of Us series, and Sunshine and all of the other things I had started before things got so messy in my life.
          But I appreciate you guys and have always read your comments in the mean time! thank you all for the love and support, especially for Between Us!
          I'm actually interested in what you guys want to read in the future. Any favorite tropes u think I can pull off? More age gap? Please let me know!
          Also, I will be trying to update Sunshine every week/month until completion so stay tuned <3


Hi how are u plz update sunshine now its an amazing book and i really want to read its end kindly update this 