
Would anyone be interested in a fanfic based on the movie Thirteen? I’ll try to post a trailer of the movie if I can find one. It came out in 2003.


Hey! I don’t know if your still active on this account but I loved your stories and saw your messages on mental health so just wanted to let you know to take all the time that you need! I recently started writing a book called A Greaser’s Happily Ever After and I’d love advice on how to make it better. You’re books are so good and I’d love to get advice off you! Obviously, you don’t have to and you’re mental health comes first but I’d appreciate it a lot!


@alohabishesss I still do the Outsiders! I will try to see what I can do. I made a Dally fanfic but it is soooooo cringe. 


@chicjenstrip I’d definitely read a Dally fanfic or a Soda story, if ur still doing the outsiders 


@alohabishesss if there is any request you’d like to make for a story, please do let me know 


Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I have not been active but I am a human being who has feelings. I have been taking a break because I feel mentally drained and I feel super unmotivated to write because I feel like my writings suck. I am going to take a longer break. Thanks for the understanding. Please message me any ideas for a book that you have. ONLY 80S THINGS!!! And please be specific about what you want to happen in the book!
          Thanks and Stay Gold


@chicjenstrip Take as long as you need. I completely understand and fyi your writing does not suck!!


Hello! I need ideas! Please let me know if you have any book ideas! As you may have already guessed, I am no longer updating my JD fan fic but please let me know if you have any other book ideas. All I ask is that it’s 80’s movies related. Thanks and Stay Gold!


@chicjenstrip you would do grease and thx for the follow


Y’all I need a break because of my mental health. I’m not gonna stop updating the story but I might not update it for a couple of days. I hope you all understand that as an author in here I have just as much feelings as al of you do. Thanks for the support. Have a great day/night!
          ~Stay Gold
          Btw if y’all wanna know my name it’s Gia Ryder


Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day/night! If you have read my Steve Randle story you know that there are currently 44 parts (it may be 43) and that’s a lot if you ask me. Writing this book has been really fun but now I’m a bit unmotivated. With that I say that the book will be ending very soon. I am currently working on a part and my goal is to have possibly 50 or more parts. 
          I need everyone’s help because I need ideas.
          Just message ideas to me! Thanks!
          Stay Gold