
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! Straight up evil has 30k reads!!! This is a really bright moment in a really dark time for me. It means so much to me. You guys are incredible!!<3


TYSM FOR 20K READS ON LOVE ME AAAHHH!!! I actually started sobbing a little. This is so crazy I can't believe this is real man. Thank you all so much for your support and for reading my work, ilysm!!


congrats !! the book is amazing, keep up the good work and remember to always take care of yourself, lyt /p <333


15k reads on straight up evil!!! AAAHHH IM SO HAPPY. Thank you guys so much! This has made me so happy. Seeing everyone read and interact with my stories makes me sosososo happy. This means so much to me, thank you all so much!! <3
          Also, i have a few things in the work. Hopefully I'll release some of it soon as im dealing with writersblock rn. 


heyheyhihello just wanted to update you guys on a few things!! Like I mentioned before, I am finally starting to get back into the things I enjoy. I have two drafts I'm currently working on. However my focus currently lays with art as that is something I've wanted to do something with in my future since I was very little. It'll take a bit for me to actually post the things I've been working on, but seeing as things are going so much better with me, I think I should be back to my old writing habit in no-time. Thank you all for your patience! (>3<)


Some exciting news!!
          I'm doing a lot better mentally and I am trying my best to get back into the things i enjoy, writing being one of those things. I'll slowly start working on drafts again. There's something that's been sitting in my drafts for a while that I can't wait to share.
          A little update on my life for those wondering:
          My stepdad has cancer and won't be able to get cured. However he's doing a lot better. He's starting to be able to move again little by little. I'm nearing my end of trauma processing therapy and I'm already less/no longer scared of things that caused the trauma. I'm taking legal action against someone, which is hard, but it's worth it. I was really sick for a while but not anymore. I'm doing a lot better mentally and physically. I dropped out of school again but I'll have the time to focus on getting better and regaining the motivation to do the things I love. I have a really nice boyfriend now and he loves the stories I write which only motivates me more. I can't wait to fully come back!! 


i’m glad you’re doing a lot better now, take your time and i hope you’ll fully heal soon <3
            take care, and stay safe !! remember you’re always loved and cared for:)


Also I'd like to thank everyone for reading my stuff. When I went on this break my albedo fic had 10k and now is nearing 20k!! On top of that the kazuscara has 10k and some others have over 1k. Thank you all so much for reading and interacting with my stuff all this time, it's made me really happy and proud. I remember writing those things thinking no one would read them and like I'm just in shock honestly. Tysm!!!! <3


hi hey hello, if my dear mootie patootie is reading this, I started working on the fic a while ago but basically since that day my life has been kinda going downhill. I have no one looking after me rn due to my stepdad being on the verge of death and my mom having to take care of him, so I have to do everything myself which is a little hard when in a depressive episode. I try to write whenever I can, but it'll take a while to come out, sorry for that!


@ childesfridge  Hey ! Please, take all your time for yourself. I'm sure you're an incredible person, the fic can wait. You're way more important than it. I hope everything will be alright for you !


OMG PLEASE DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO WRITE WHEN YOU ARE IN A SITUATION LIKE THAT :((( please focus on yourself before focusing on others!!! I completely understand the situation you’re in and I don’t expect a new chapter every day and I understand you’re in a vulnerable place rn, take it slow and easy please! I hope your stepdad gets better and that everything takes a turn for the better. Please take it easy, you deserve a rest!! You’re doing great so far, I’m sure he’ll get better soon <33