
any ideas on what I should draw?


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wow, after all the drama that happened a few months ago you haven't changed a bit, so you still think what you did was right? faking a suicide is right? pretending to date and BE an innocent celebrity that obviously doesn't know you is right? you'd think someone would have learned from all that, maybe changed their ways, or even apologized, but no. you didn't. how funny is that? and you know what, your bio has a lot of bad shit in it. talking about your mental issues like that isn't okay, you know what relapsing is? it's when someone who's been clean or gotten help and is okay, becomes worse, your bio could do that to people. I suggest you take that down, all it is is a cry for help, for attention. you want people to feel bad for you dont you? I would, but i can't feel bad after what you did, faking a suicide isn't right and pretending to be someone also isn't right, you can get arrested for that. that's a federal offense. do you think deleting everyone's comments makes it better? a fresh start? 
          sorry you dont remember who I am, im actually the one who figured you out the first time.
          try to delete this, I dare you, I copied and pasted it and it'll come back every time.


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[ @-honeymaybank ] oh shit that's messed
            thanks for telling me tho I was soo confused


@-taasahi sorry, I never saw this, but a while back she faked a suicide, faked being in the hospital from trying to kill herself, then pretended to be both Jaeden Martell and Wyatt Oleff's girlfriend also saying she's going to be in stranger things 4 and pretended to be wyatt on here acting like she was dead


so you faked suicide? girl- this ain’t it❤️


and she “cut” herself many times


@D-DEVILTOWNN she faked suicide twice 