
I totally forgot that i had wattpad-


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I hate wattpad. I just read a story (it was one shots, i am bored) and the bitch who wrote the story, wrote two brothers fucking each other. Oh and also a character who is a fucking teenager fucking a child. The child was 8. I just wanted to fucking read some sad one shots, but no i can't do that. Also i didn't read it i stopped reading that story the moment i saw those two chapters.


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I officially hate the sub. He walked around seeing what people was doing and shit, but when he came to my table he looked at what the people at my table was doing then walked to me and just full on stopped. He stood behind me for a minute i almost started fucking crying because how scared i was. He is pretty old may i add he scares me..


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I have a sub in my science class, he was calling out names and when he got to my name he said my whole ass name... and people looked at me and some said "god thats a long name." "Jesus." And more shit. I wanna get out now. 


Y o u r p f p . . .


No one stopped me, so this is what you gonna get. x