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Tanz we really be connected cause whenever you're not around there's a lil piece of me missing, you feel? If you were a strain I'd smoke you all day everydayyy my g, that's how fuckin incredible you are. You never fail to put a smile on my face, you always got me cheesin n shit. When we first met I was like she a lil cutie, I gotta have her n now I can't go a day without talkin to you cause my day isn't complete without you. You don't understand how happy you make me, you really got me geekin n shit, all excited like a lil school girl whenever I get a fuckin notification from you, it's insane my g. We both know I ain't good with words n shit but I would go on top of the highest roof top n yell out to the whole world how much I fuckin love n admire you. You have nothin but love n sweetest inside of you, you've gotta be the kindest person I've ever met. You remind me of bubbles from the powderpuff girls LMAOO frfr y'all have the same energy Tanz cause you're just so fuckin cute n cuddly n you make everyone so damn happy. Anyone would be happy to have you in their life, you're the ultimate friend, you're the funniest lil shit I've ever met n one thing about you is that we gon have a good ass time no matter the situation. I would be a damn fool if I ever let you go cause there's no one else in this world like you, Tanzie. You're the type to impact peoples life in the best way possible, you're unforgettable n I'm so fuckin grateful that you're in my life n I can call you a friend.