
Thank you everyone with your patience while I recovered from surgery. Feeling human again and have been writing the last but of this story and the start of the next and repeatedly have deleted it because I hated it lol. 
          	On the plus side, I did get my final edits for the 3rd edition of my novel approved and they are live now. If you haven't already ordered your copy now is a perfect time because the sequel is due by end of the year!! :) 


 @mollyannalynn1 It's available on Amazon in most countries. You should easily find it by searching up the title and selecting books category. It's called 'Her Favorite Song' and it's based on my first story called Forever Love. Obviously names and identifying details are completely changed and the novel includes a lot more story/details. 


where can i find your novel?


Thank you everyone with your patience while I recovered from surgery. Feeling human again and have been writing the last but of this story and the start of the next and repeatedly have deleted it because I hated it lol. 
          On the plus side, I did get my final edits for the 3rd edition of my novel approved and they are live now. If you haven't already ordered your copy now is a perfect time because the sequel is due by end of the year!! :) 


 @mollyannalynn1 It's available on Amazon in most countries. You should easily find it by searching up the title and selecting books category. It's called 'Her Favorite Song' and it's based on my first story called Forever Love. Obviously names and identifying details are completely changed and the novel includes a lot more story/details. 


where can i find your novel?


Still alive just not active at all. My nasty cold turned into me getting my tonsils out and it's been a rough recovery. I will be back!!


@christylsw awww nooooo, that sucks so much, I'm so sorry ♥♥♥


Sending prayers 


@bubba818 @116mmm I'm feeling pretty good but my throat hurts like crazy still. For those that followed me on tiktok would know I get strep fairly often and was supposed to have this surgery in summer 2020 then covid happened. They put off my surgery twice then I kinda blew it off after because school was back in session. I finally started getting it a lot again so dr sent me off.


Just an FYI, I didn't drop off the face of the planet lol. I caught a nasty cold that has just taken me nearly all the way out for a few days now. I'm starting to feel better and like I could actually get outta bed so new posts will be written soon!! 


@careful-scorpio I have to tally up still. I whole ass lost my voice, been running a fever, just feeling crappy so I've done nothing that requires getting up lol


Girl me too! Feel better!!!


Awww that’s ok luv! Take your time coming back! Oh, and just out of curiosity, has our next story been decided yet?


The time has come to vote for a future story!!! I do have a plot outline, but I do NOT have a cast in mind yet. I have posted on my tiktok as well as a post on my 'Deal Breaker' story along with cover art and brief synopsis. Make sure you comment here, tiktok, the post, or DM to have your input counted!
           #1 Fan Girl - Girl meets boy and finds out he's not who she thought he was.
           #2 Maybe Someday - One love story, told in 3 sections. Young love, college sweetheart, and a life-altering last chance at forever.  
           #3 Code Name: Sparrow - Have you ever had a crush on your teacher? This might be the one for you LOL!
           #4 The Mason Boys - Three brothers, three shots at love. Who will you end up with?
          Again, check out my latest post on 'Deal Breaker' for full synopsis and cover art :)


3 For Sure!! You should try making Boy Love Stories 


@christylsw I’ve read it and it was great! I really enjoy your style of writing!


For the next story you should definitely do Anthony


I’ll vote for it next time!!!!


@20_hhhhhh I would totally do an Anthony story!! We usually vote for them on my tiktok and I can't get anyone else to vote for him lol


I have officially began updating regularly again!! I've made the move permanently to wattpad and will be updating daily :) Current read is 6 chapters long so far and is a Bryce story called: Deal Breaker!!! 
          My DMs are open and I love feedback. I already have lots of finished LONG stories if you want something to fill the time between posts. Check out Deal Breaker and make sure you sub to ME not just your fav stories as I have sooooo many more stories planned :) 


@EVAMAKBELLASHIFA I have 2 tiktoks. My main story acct then a backup I started posting on when the first kept getting flagged. I also have insta but rarely use it


What platform have you been on other than here and TikTok?


Most of you know me from tiktok. I worked my butt off to build 10k followers and 11 stories and counting. I never had a single video come down that wasn't reversed when I appealed it so I didn't understand why I was temporarily banned a few months ago. The ban was up and I simply posted a "I'm back" message and all of my accounts were immediately permanently banned! 
          I am going to take a few days to process that but I have made the decision to continue my stories exclusively here on wattpad. My current story is Deal Breaker and will pick back up next week but please check out my profile for dozens of completed stories that have ranked in the top 10 for their respective hashtags!! 


that’s terrible and super annoying. i’m hoping tik tok actually gives your account back because that isn’t fair to a person like you who has worked so hard for what they had. i had followed you on there for over a year and fell in love with every story you wrote. please take your time to process what happened. hopefully tik tok will realise you did nothing wrong and give you back your account.


Sorry that happened but happy to have you back here!