
Idk if anyone sees this but small update for those who do and for those reading my current book. 
          	I’ve just moved several hundred miles and was job/apartment hunting and trying to settle in a very upset cat. I’m currently in the process of putting together my new apartment before the fall semester starts. I have no idea what I will be able to post the next chapter, I’m making myself time this week to sit down and write it because I’m stressed and writing helps but I’m still not sure if that will be enough work to publish a full chapter. 
          	Would anyone prefer half a chapter sooner or a full one possible later?


Hi, I really love your writing, and I was wondering if you had ever considered posting on Archive of Our Own (AO3)?


Hey small update! I recently changed my username on Ao3 so it’s now slightly different then my username here, (chronicallyillnephilim) because there’s a character limit on Wattpad usernames 


I do actually! I have my current fic along with two Billdip one shot’s up on my Ao3 along with a Spideypool(Spider-Man/Deadpool) fic I wrote recently! I post under the same user over there so that should help find me! You can also look me up under the fic “To the nights in the hold of stone”! 


Idk if anyone sees this but small update for those who do and for those reading my current book. 
          I’ve just moved several hundred miles and was job/apartment hunting and trying to settle in a very upset cat. I’m currently in the process of putting together my new apartment before the fall semester starts. I have no idea what I will be able to post the next chapter, I’m making myself time this week to sit down and write it because I’m stressed and writing helps but I’m still not sure if that will be enough work to publish a full chapter. 
          Would anyone prefer half a chapter sooner or a full one possible later?


@kiduatheKiller do you do gravity falls roleplay?


Idk how I missed this question a Year ago. Oops but to answer it. No, I used to be in a cosplay group and cosplayed as bill I think the closed I got to roleplay then was the panels we did in character. But out side of that I dont, I’ve never meet a group that I like and that does story lines that I like as well. I think I’m just to picky and a bit to controlling of the storyline to roleplay. 


Guys! I can’t believe this Weirdmageddon: Dream Demon Takeover is ranked number One in the tag Demon Dipper. 
          Thank you guys so much, this makes me unbelievably happy and it’s all thanks to you guys. Thank you so much!!