
Chapter eight of Hot Frost is out! Do check it out!


Thank you so much for voting my story. I hope you are liking it. I am so happy right now that you are reading my story. Do comment. I'll really appreciate it. Thanks once again.


@chymdee_ns That's so sweet of you. For readers like you I love to update more often. <3


@Diyya_98 no problem Diya...i think you are an awesome author. You got me glued on this bookI'm not much of a comment person tho...but if something catches my eye, i might comment. And you are most welcome dear.


          Dry. Dead water dry.
          Void of all this mushy emotions.
          Not my fault, they hit too hard.
          My mechanism is on the defence.
          Each time a dart is thrown, I erect a wall.
          My thought has been, "oh I'm just keeping balance."
          But now I know, that's an introspective fallacy.
          Dry. I could cry you a gosh damn desert.
          Should I be scared that when you hit, it doesn't scar anymore?
          Should I be worried that there's no blood pump anymore?
          Should I be?
          In its place is a stone chest, armoured to the teeth?
          Thought I was immune. Was happy even.
          Now I I know I'm just void.
          I rid myself of it.
          Should we forever be dry? Or should we let the currents rush in again and overwhelm us? And make us bullseye, dead center, to reality's darts?
          As confused as I am dry. Even as I speak, my walls crack dry, dripping thirst. Should I feed them, or let them Sahara on?
          Chimdiogo #theinkminded