
Sorry if I was gone for too long.....
          	I know some are really really upset why I was gone for too long. I also recieved alot of hate messages in my inbox because of that and alot of you defended me with the hate comments I get in my stories...
          	And for that thank you....
          	Next week I am officially going to start writing stories and finishing up what I already started. 
          	Being in highschool is really a tough life for me right now and I hope you understand me...
          	Again thank you ❤️


Sorry if I was gone for too long.....
          I know some are really really upset why I was gone for too long. I also recieved alot of hate messages in my inbox because of that and alot of you defended me with the hate comments I get in my stories...
          And for that thank you....
          Next week I am officially going to start writing stories and finishing up what I already started. 
          Being in highschool is really a tough life for me right now and I hope you understand me...
          Again thank you ❤️