


Wtf am I meant to do, my bestfriend's bf just broke up w her and she's bawling rn but I'm awful at comforting people and now I'm gonna have to deal with her for 4¼ hours tomorrow crying in school. (I've been telling her to break up w him since they got together 2 months ago)
           (I also have never talked to a man in any way romantically)


@imfunnyasf69 thank you so much for that ❤


my suggestion is to just be there. if you have told her you can’t comfort people well and then i think she would understand. my bestfriend can’t really comfort people and when i was going through a breakup the only thing i really needed was for her to be there. make her laugh and make her happy, it’ll help her a lot. right her a paragraph about how much you appreciate and love her. being with a guy is honestly terrible  but being with her bestfriend will make her happy. listen to her and care for her, i hope this helps 