
so i know that adrien and marinette are made for each other and it’s stated very often in the show and that it’s what makes the romance so wholesome and that’s why it hurts so much to see them not realise it for so long. and obviously all the fanfics are also based on this concept of them being soulmates, but this particular ff at some point made me yearn for that kinda connection even more than i ever did…
          	oh, how i wish someday to hear someone say to me “you two are made for each other and everyone can see this”, how i wish to love and be loved so much that it’s impossible not to notice, how much i desire to be the one he talks about all the time, can’t ever stop thinking about, has to control himself from kissing or touching, shows off, protects and never wants to lose… how much i want to be worshipped, cherished, and loved… and how much i want the whole world to see that just from the glances we still from each other, the passion we have in our moves, the desire we have in our eyes, the desperation we hide in our breaths, the love we keep in our way-too-fast beating hearts… i want the whole world to already know about it before i burn from the urge to scream about my feelings for everyone to hear.


so i know that adrien and marinette are made for each other and it’s stated very often in the show and that it’s what makes the romance so wholesome and that’s why it hurts so much to see them not realise it for so long. and obviously all the fanfics are also based on this concept of them being soulmates, but this particular ff at some point made me yearn for that kinda connection even more than i ever did…
          oh, how i wish someday to hear someone say to me “you two are made for each other and everyone can see this”, how i wish to love and be loved so much that it’s impossible not to notice, how much i desire to be the one he talks about all the time, can’t ever stop thinking about, has to control himself from kissing or touching, shows off, protects and never wants to lose… how much i want to be worshipped, cherished, and loved… and how much i want the whole world to see that just from the glances we still from each other, the passion we have in our moves, the desire we have in our eyes, the desperation we hide in our breaths, the love we keep in our way-too-fast beating hearts… i want the whole world to already know about it before i burn from the urge to scream about my feelings for everyone to hear.


i don’t think i’ve ever commented on a story more… it got me feeling all the feelings, mostly feeling like a silly teenager in love. and istg if my boyfriend is not like this idiot agreste, i don’t want him. give me my protective, possessive, cute, hot, demanding, handsome, strong, loving, passionate, tall (yeah i’m one of those girls), flirty, funny and, most importantly, crazy for me adrien. come on now, hand him over, it’s my turn now.


i don't even know where to start at this point, i- i wanted to say this was the best thing i've ever read, but let me be honest, i say that A LOT. but this FOR SURE was one hell of a ride and i am SO rereading it in the future, but as of now (and always)-
          ig i just really want one of those kisses (though i know damn well my lips are NOT gonna taste as good as mari's).


haha... ha... the first fanfic to ever make me cry and let me say- i was BAWLING MY EYES OUT by the end, probably 'cause i've been reading it for hours and the anger being swtiched to happiness then changing to, well, being turned on, just this whole rollercoaster of emotions probably led me to letting out stuff, or more like 'a sigh' that i didn't know i need to release...


now y'all hear me out- if i ever meet a man crazy enough to fall for me then he better know himself to search for my preferces on wattpad. HOWEVER- and i mean it with all that i have, i am indeed going to send the link to this fanfic to the man who might just fit into all my fantasies and live up to all my standards, that this! THIS!! is what i want, need, crave, deserve, yearn for, crave, desire, live for, breathe for, exist for, whatever else- just jesus i'm not asking for too much just adrien from this particular ff AND I'M SATISFIED okay? thank you very much for the attention, this was definitely aimed towards the universe and its mysterious ways, 'cause i'm absolutely tired of waiting for my very own mr adrien agreste.