
Hey everyone.
          	Long time no talk. I don't really use this account anymore, because I moved to "eknovels," but I just wanted to let you guys know, for anyone who cares, that I started a story over there.
          	It's called Underneath it All, it's a boyxboy, and if you want to read it here's the link:
          	I've worked really hard on it and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
          	Thanks guys,


Hey everyone.
          Long time no talk. I don't really use this account anymore, because I moved to "eknovels," but I just wanted to let you guys know, for anyone who cares, that I started a story over there.
          It's called Underneath it All, it's a boyxboy, and if you want to read it here's the link:

          I've worked really hard on it and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
          Thanks guys,


Just read your about me and damn, you sound just like me when I was thirteen. Which was only a few short years ago, mind you. Yeah, I wasn't like the other breed either, and I'm sure you're perfectly mature, at least you sounded enough while you were typing. Keep working at writing and nice as it is that you're politely humble about it, don't ever lose confidence in your skills :) Stay fabulous and have a nice day, Lily. 


Hey all! I know not many of my fans are fans of mine because of my writing, considering I've never really put up a story before, but I added the prologue of a new story onto my other account, eknovels. It's called Miss Popularity. You should all check it out!
          Also, I just wanted to promote a really good story that has a lot less votes than it should. It's called Stuck With Stupid, and I'm honestly in love with it.

          Please comment / vote. The author deserves it!


Hey guys! I know I don't have too many fans yet but I just wanted to get a message out to all you cover-makers! I'm having a contest for a new book I'm writing called Soulmates. Here's a link:
          I haven't really thought of the prizes yet but trust me, they're going to be awesome. Please consider joining!