
@consumingly Sasharii cocked her head towards her left shoulder silently, the two wurms hissing loudly before starting to build up power in all three mouths of each wurm. It was visible by a distortion, a shimmer in the air, and Sasharii placed a hand on her open, levitating tome.


@Legacy-X (All good; it happens to all of us from time to time) Eclipse would blink for a moment, surprised by the sudden shift in character. But when the wurms started to stir again, to Eclipse's slight amazement and slight curiosity, he knew that he would have to finish it or she would be at large again. 
            "Again, it's a shame. If it weren't for those creatures, I'm sure you would have been a wonderful person." 
            With that, the mist had reached such a strong level that it was swirling fast enough and was thick enough of a mist to completely shroud Eclipse behind it. But then it all suddenly compressed, turning into a very tight, small sphere that was no larger than a marble that hovered just in front of him, levitating like her tome was. He smiled. "See you later, Sasharii. I'll have a harbinger bring you my way." With that, he put his hand over it, palm-down and then closed his hand around it. A moment later, with his fist seemingly the epicenter, a massive supernova of SgMist would surge over the area, easily enveloping the entire territory and then some, completely disintegrating everything within range. The ground was left alone, but any trees, buildings, people or animal within range was completely eradicated. The mist would disperse after a few minutes, but until then, it was still a field of death, the particles of SgMist lingering until they fizzled out[E1]. 
            Eclipse looked over at the fissure that was opened and then tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Yes, he would see her soon in The Sinigratted. She would replace the Chosen Sinigrattian that she killed. Having accomplished what he came here to do, he opened up a rift back to The Astara, aiming to return to the people he had left to spectate. 
            1. SgMist: Surge [5]: SgMist suddenly surged to take in the entire environment, sparing nothing aside from the ground itself.


@AuranEclipse (I accidentally tagged myself.)


@Legacy-X Sasharii watched as the wurms were subjected to the mist's effect, and she cocked her head curiously as the wurms screeched in the first few moments before writhing about helplessly after their heads were just about gone. After a few moments, the remaining bodies of the two wurms falling limp after a few moments. 
            Then it happened. Sasharii smiled, even giggled as she looked at Eclipse. Her emotionless expression turned into a vibrant, childish happiness. It was like she was five years old again. "Worms go bye-bye," she said, and then nodded. "Good fighter. Respect goes to you," she added with a small laugh. "But finish me before they come back." As she spoke, the wurms were rapidly regenerating, their bodies starting to stir again. "Not much time."


          Gabriel tracked you to this area "Alright you... Whatever you are. Come out and play" He pulls his Katana from his back
          @ClxssyBxtch @Deaths-Advocate


5 consumes the body of the male


            (Not in the mood to argue on how it possible to throw my sword, so bleh I'm dead. Goodnight)


@-Werewolf Because Four was directly behind Gabriel, when Five moved him into its arms, Four's arms would envelop Gabriel's torso and eat away at it as if Four's arms were an acid, but not because it was (they aren't acid). Because Four was that close to Gabriel, when Gabriel threw the katana behind him, it would soar over his shoulder as well as Four's (since you cannot throw something DIRECTLY behind you).