
Hey guys i finally updated Black In Black so go  check it out! Please vote, id love you forever. ♥️


Hey Alexess~~Thanx for adding "Tattooed Princeas" to you list. I promise you won't be disappointed.
           You might want to also see my erotic short story, 'A Walk in the Countryside"

          [Part 4 was given a "R-Private" rating (woo woo). Yeah, like we girls are not supposed to think that way or do that thing sometimes . . . well guess again guys! :) 
          Also right now my new read, "That Sultry Summer" is heating up pretty good with readers. It's all about what the innocent Adelyn chooses to surrender while at a rowdy summer youth camp. . . yeah that!"



I think they left wattpad


@_-Silver-_ Im still here lol. Its been a long time since ive logged on. Abused in purple was a book i started in middle school (8th grade). I am now i year out of high school and always working but it does cross my mind now and than. Ill try to write more often. Thank you for still encouraging me to write! :)