
I had recently posted another chapter to The Story of Victoria Salvatore based on TVD episode Under Control! Check it out <3


Why discontinue ‘What Came After’? You’re such a good author and lots of us were completely destroyed by it, including me. You should, at some point when school isn’t a bitch cause I feel ya, but at some point consider writing it then the third book. I was really looking forward to a Jellamy ending...and I know others were too. You got this!


Totally understand. You should do a Bellarke fan fic, please alot of your readers. But not forcing you. I feel you with the have to not wanting to thing. You do you boo!


@brikey_trash Maybe I will one day if I become interested in telling Joyla's story again. One of the reasons why I discontinued it was because I just felt like I HAD to write it, not that I WANTED to write it. When it comes to writing I don't want it to feel like a chore because then I'll be afraid of it becoming unenjoyable. We'll see. I am planning on writing another 100 fanfic with a different main character early next year though... 
            I'm sorry though! I know a lot of people are sad about the discontinuation, but I didn't want to write it and have it turn out crappy because I just wasn't interested.


Hey! Is The Story Of Victoria Salvatore still ongoing or is it on hold? 
          P.s love your stories and I hope you keep writing :D 


Yay! I can't wait! I'm loving the way the story is going so far and I can't wait for the Klaus action 


@jemma202 It is still ongoing. School is just being a bitch to me right now so I haven't really had time to update it. Don't worry though, I should have time to update it this week :) 
            And thank you so much, it means a lot <3


I would like to know what you had in mind for joyla after you discontinued the sequel to grounders.


@mia264 Joyla and Arin would eventually get together around the halfway point of the second season. Bellamy would continue to try and gain Joyla's affections, but would remain respectful of her and Arin's relationship.
            Arin and Bellamy would never become friends, but gain a mutual level of respect throughout the story. Unfortunately, Bellamy would somehow unintentionally cause the death of Arin towards the end and he would die in Joyla's arms as she whispered, "Please, don't leave me."
            Joyla would then decide to go on her own (maybe with Arin's sister) because she feels it's what Arin would have wanted her to do as he had mentioned it to her the first night they slept together. Bellamy would beg her to stay but she would refuse. She would never find out about Bellamy's role in Arin's demise.
            I never really planned on a third story that followed season three. But if I had, Joyla and Bellamy would've 100% gotten together at some point. Not right away, of course. But it would have happened. 
            Those are just the main things I had planned. Sorry about the discontinuation!!!