
Time like this.. I really want to listen to his lecture on how I should manage my time. Listen to his advice.. Listen to his odd jokes.. When can we chat again? Miss that moment with him. Especially when he call me that nickname 


Bagi sesiapa yang berminat untuk membeli ebook from @queenz_isya boleh pm saya atau tuan dia sendiri. Sebarang comment  tidak akan dilayan. Harap maklum. Saya akan berikan contact num for more info. 
          Ebook yang Dijual: 
          TWIN PACK [TH&OJ/ TRK]= RM15
          ALL SERIES = RM25
          PER SERIES= RM10
          Bagi sesiapa yang berminat atau ingin mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut.. SILA PM! 


I always be kind to you... Why you hate me that much? I did nothing to you! I know I always ask  stupid questions but It doesn't mean that you can be that rude right? I tired. I tried listen to you all. To our teachers. I know not all of them like me. I know I should behave like my age not like some stupid kid. But what can I do? Be serious all the time? Thinks like an adult? No!!! I hate it. I know I'm a nerd from the bottom of my heart. I know I'm a noob. BUT WHAT CAN I DO?? I just ask a stupid question. It's not my fault. It's not like I want to ask that question. All of you ask why I don't think like my age? BECAUSE WE STILL A KID!! ACCEPT IT BITCH!! We are not  20 years old. We still studying in high school. We not even 21 YET. And why we have to think like a matured people? Embrace yourself. Enjoy your life while you still a kid. Even the goverment said.. People below 18 are still kids. We still have to live with our parents until we are 18. So why we have to think like an adult? Tell me? You're just 16 years old. Not 26 years old. And you ask me to behave like MY age? I tell you once. I'm a hypocrite sometimes. But still... I'm not like THAT person. Kind to people when you want something from them. And then you back to being a bad person when you want nothing with then. When I hate someone... I will show my dislike. When I like someone... I will show my like. You don't know me enough. You don't know about my past. So please... Don't judge me. I'm not a rude person. I ask you nicely. So please answer me nicely. Don't reply with sarcams because I never done it with you. I give you respect.. And you give me respect. Thank you. 
          P/s: sorry if you guys hate reading it. But I just need to write something. To get rid of this feeling. And again.. Sorry to you know who. 


Hi just want to ask if you are one of the member of TMAHA in FB?


Oh thats great! Coz lylah's bday is coming and can you give her a bday msg and send it to me in pm? Im gathering all msgs from her follower. I will put it in a book


@sweetanna27 i have fb. But im not one of them. Sorry. 