
To anyone who still looks at this profile,
          Today is the two week anniversary of @crazyassbith52's death. In memory of her, I am writing a book of poetry. If anyone who knew her better than I did wants to write a poem or a eulogy for her, I would be so grateful. Just pm me on this account or my second one @shadowhunters77 I promise that I will give you credit for your work. Please help me memorialize her and ensure that her premature death was not in vain. I thank you all from the bottom of my very heavy heart.


@DangMendes I’ll be sure to. 


@gardenfortheliving @seesawmaze @book_love29 @archicmemories @thatkinkypotato @gardenfortheliving 
            I put "RIP @crazyassbitch52, you will always be loved and never forgotten" in my bio. Y'all can join me if you want :) Also, I wrote a letter to the people who have taken their own lives in my book "Read When You're..." and dedicated it to her. Go check it out and if you'd like, you can add onto it in the comments like some others have. :) Thank u


@blinkingReveluvArmy she really was amazing, the only thing we can do now is honor her memory and raise awareness so others don’t go the way she did


Not to be creepy or anything but you sound from your bio like your exactly like me  great now you prob think I'm like a seventy year old man or a desperate thirty five year old woman having a midlife crisis...


 Lol i love how you said id think youre a "35 year old woman having a midlife crisis" 


thank you so much for all of your support!


awe thank you so much! hopefully one soon


@t_nisha your welcome!! I loved your book millie it was so interesting cant wait till you update on millie anne