
Woooow I keep rereading all my stories I’ve posted and I’m cringing so hard oof I keep thinking whether I should keep writing stories to show how much I’ve gotten better or continuing some of the stories I never finished cause some of my stories are baaaad! Tell me what you guys think if some of my followers are still alive. (Haven’t been on here in yeeeears.)


Woooow I keep rereading all my stories I’ve posted and I’m cringing so hard oof I keep thinking whether I should keep writing stories to show how much I’ve gotten better or continuing some of the stories I never finished cause some of my stories are baaaad! Tell me what you guys think if some of my followers are still alive. (Haven’t been on here in yeeeears.)


I'm just gonna say that I love your profile pic and name, I was also wondering if you might want to roleplay? Ya know if you like roleplaying and you want to :3


Omg!! I luv roleplaying!! And thank you so much let me know when you want to roleplay