
After very long and very unnecessary deliberation, I decided I will only edit parts of WYLTPL and continue the story as I intended. 
          	As well, I received a few private messages saying that the story isn't realistic since it's the early 2000s and Bella is pansexual and no one is homophobic, but please, they're at a magic school. If they can wrap their heads around kids flying on brooms, they can handle a girl liking other girls. If it bothers you, by all means find another fic. Thank you! 


After very long and very unnecessary deliberation, I decided I will only edit parts of WYLTPL and continue the story as I intended. 
          As well, I received a few private messages saying that the story isn't realistic since it's the early 2000s and Bella is pansexual and no one is homophobic, but please, they're at a magic school. If they can wrap their heads around kids flying on brooms, they can handle a girl liking other girls. If it bothers you, by all means find another fic. Thank you! 


heyyyy guys, guess who
          I'm so sorry I was a complete ghost on this account BUT I'M BACK FOR GOOD and I was re-reading my first story (When You Love the Plant Lover) and I'm a bit horrified at it, because my writing has improved so much more
          I wanted to ask if y'all wanted me to continue the same story, start it from scratch with the same storyline, or completely start a new story 
          Glad to be back! 


@criminalandcomical I love the way you write it so much but if you like you want to start over, that's perfectly fine, :))


          I have an announcement! I have nearly 20 chapters ready to pump out of "Everything Comes Up Roses" which will be my sapphic Hermione story anddd 5 more chapters of "When You Love the Plant Lover"! 
          There was a slight mishap with the space button and low and behold, my next gen story got deleted- very sad but not to worry, I'll get more chapters ready soon. 
          I'll try to get a schedule going for updates BUT expect an update tomorrow of your favorite AND an all new update of your new favorite! Love ya! 


Hey guys! So, I wanted to ask your guy's thoughts on something. 
          I'm currently working on two other fanfics at the same time as When You Love the Plant Lover, one is a next gen fic and the other is a Hermione fic (which is ironic considering how big Romione is in my current fic). Both are sapphic stories and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to post one at a time when my current fic is done OR post them right now. 
          (Don't worry, I won't stop posting my Neville fic if I post the others too.) 
          Thanks! Love ya :) 


@criminalandcomical you should post them as soon as you have a few chapters!


Maybe post it a little later when you’ve gathered enough chapters for each of them (Maybe 6 or 7)


Hey, I just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying ‘When you love the plant lover’ and also shamelessly ask for an update. 
          I’m also writing a fanfic about Neville so check it out if you want. And once again, I love your work, Vanity.


no shame in it I promise, I'm nearly done with the next chapter and I'll definitely check yours out! I love Neville fics