
Hi, if you don't want this on your message board then you can just delete it . I have an applyfic and it's been open for a while now but I haven't had anyone apply, I even revamped some things so idk if I just need to revamp again or just promote better so that's why I'm trying this . it's an entertainment af for trainees who failed on a produce show . it's the only book on my page so if you're interested then please check it out and tag others you think will also be interested . if you have any questions about it, I'm sure they might have been answered in the applyfic itself so if you are interested then please check there and if your question wasn't answered then feel free to ask, I'll try to respond as soon as possible . and like I said before, if you don't like promotions on your message board then you can just delete this . have a nice day/night !! 


what happened to ur other account? :o


this message may be offensive
yes )): unless wp fix
            their shit so i can log
            in using my old pass


omg so is that a dead
            account now? )):


i got locked out :(( i dont
            have access to the email
            i used for that so i cant 
            reset my password