
Tooo I got the account backkk!!


This message is very important please read!!
          Hello , everyone!
          This is cupcake mochi here aka Kriss.
          I will like to tell you guys that my ACC is having some kind of error and I keep logging out every two seconds. ( I wrote this part an hour ago while my still having issues this is the new side - )
           so I lost my account , so this my new acc , I hope you guys will understand , and  I made another I'd so please follow this acc ,
          I hope you guys will understand this problem.
          Thanks for supporting me , and making me happy with all the love of you guys.
          Good bye 
          Lot's of love from me ❤️
          Your author - Kriss.


Should I change my username here?


@cupcake_mochi i like it but if you want to change then go ahead.


@cupcake_mochi I don't really like it anymore cause it doesn't matches my personality , it's too cute and girly for me ( no hate to girly people ) 


Hello, Everyone.
           Now I need you together to help me help our Earth.
           Now at this very moment, our earth is being badly affected. Sea levels are rising due to the melting of the Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic as the earth heats up. Some Nasa scientists have revealed that we have only three to five years to prepare for it, if we don't protect the earth together, it will do a lot of damage - tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts.
           So let us protect this earth together. But we can only personally reduce a small percentage of our waste, but if we do this together and spread the word to all, we actually reduce the amount of hazardous waste that we do in our environment.
           Please help the Earth. Please protect the lives of People , nature, and animals


Happy birthday to me 


@LUNABLUEMOONN thankyou so much! :)


Belated Happy Birthday fellow Aries! :)


@cupcake_mochi ohh so you're birthday is after mine! <3 


Sorry but I'm going on a break for a bit cause it's kind of hard to manage my studies , my part-time job and Wattpad so sorry but I'll have to go on a break now but if I get time I will update on my books but for now I'm really busy these days so bye bye for now :)