
Hey was wondering if you would check out the first chapter of my book and tell me what you think of it. Just the first chapter Thank you! I would really appreciate it.


Hey! I read the first chapter of your book! And here's my constructive suggestions hahaha ;) 
            1. Well firstly, there are a lot of grammatical and spelling errors and I know it seems very anal to pick on them, but readers to get very irritated and if you want more readers and more insights and comments... Well, you're gonna have to fix those errors. 
            2. I know you said you added more details to make the first chapter seem a little rushed but it still seems rushed.... Try adding a few more details and the story outline so we readers can grasp the character of Dr Westcott a little better??
            Well, that's about it! If you want a book rec, I suggest Storm and Silence! My absolute fav on Wattpad! And good luck don't give up writing! :) 