
i am actually going to cry. i made a new profile on tumblr which was linked to my other profiles and i logged out of it on my laptop THINKING it would only log out of that one profile but no. it logged me out of ALL PROFILES and NOT JUST ON MY LAPTOP. ON EVERY OTHER DEVICE I WAS LOGGED IN ON. and i can't log back in because i don't know what email was used because i think it was those stupid private apple id ones.  and ive searched all my blogs on a new account and they have been DELETED. and now i cant access anything from it i am actually going to roll up into a ball and scream and cry until i die 


i am actually going to cry. i made a new profile on tumblr which was linked to my other profiles and i logged out of it on my laptop THINKING it would only log out of that one profile but no. it logged me out of ALL PROFILES and NOT JUST ON MY LAPTOP. ON EVERY OTHER DEVICE I WAS LOGGED IN ON. and i can't log back in because i don't know what email was used because i think it was those stupid private apple id ones.  and ive searched all my blogs on a new account and they have been DELETED. and now i cant access anything from it i am actually going to roll up into a ball and scream and cry until i die 


ciaooo sto scrivendo una storia su jj maybank potresti passare a dare un'occhiata? magari lasciando un voto e qualche commentino per sapere la tua opinione, ne sarei davvero contenta, ovviamente non sei obbligata, grazie in ogni caso, ciaoo


ciao scusa per la risposta tardiva, non sono molto attivo, ma leggerò il tuo libro, buona giornata amore <33