
hello! my next update will be on sunday since I'm v busy irl. ^^


Hello, this is Adri, I apologize for not updating for a long period of time. I can't guarantee future updates either. My mom passed and I don't know if I have the mental capacity to continue on writing, but I will try to come back soon. I love you all, thank you for the outmost support, till next time <3


@curiouslassie_ omg, I'm sorry about your mother. *gives u a comfort hug* u can take a break from writing, it's okay. I know what it feels like so I understand :>


Wait what?!? Omg im so sorry that must be having a huge effect on ur metal health rn :( rip to ur mother 


hello.. updates will be posted by the end of the week! sorry for the loooong hiatus, I'm still dealing with things at home, now that it's toning down, I'll take the rest of my weekdays off for rest. Again, I'm sorry and thank you for being patient with me!:)


Thanks for letting us know! Love your writing and I hope whatever ur dealing w gets better ❤️


hi !! A quick announcement before I go offline. So, I'm not sure if I will be able to upload new chapters this week, something's going on at home and I don't have the mental capacity to write ... and, I hope you're all doing fine! lots of love ^____^