
Won't be able to update Bayonetta: A New Day until Thursday at the least. Maybe Wednesday or tomorrow if I'm lucky but my art supplies had to be vacated out of where I usually draw due to family visiting. I'll try to update if I can but I want to draw for them ;-;
          	Maybe I don't have to but I like to help convey their emotions more... Especially with what chapter five entails.... ;3


Won't be able to update Bayonetta: A New Day until Thursday at the least. Maybe Wednesday or tomorrow if I'm lucky but my art supplies had to be vacated out of where I usually draw due to family visiting. I'll try to update if I can but I want to draw for them ;-;
          Maybe I don't have to but I like to help convey their emotions more... Especially with what chapter five entails.... ;3


Sorry updates have been so out of whack for Bayonetta: A New Day it's just I'm writing the chapters, drawing the pictures and editing them for each chapter before that chapter airs. Once this Arc finishes I plan on taking my time to get all the drawings 100% before I start uploading chapters. And when Arc 2 comes out I plan to put in a schedule to air chapters on a weekly basis. This should be the only Arc that will be kind of spotty in terms of upload schedule. Just wanted to say sorry again!
          -CuteRainbowBoy <3


Tomorrow part 1 of a two-part special is airing! I won't give any spoilers, but there will be lots of art, and tons of emotions! Plus someone finds a long lost relative! Who could it be?
          The True Lineage Special:
          Chapter 3: Visions Pt.1  - 3:00pm ET Wednesday, March 12th
          Chapter 4: Visions Pt.2 -?:?? ET Thursday, March 13th


Bayonetta: A New Day - Chapter 2: An Honorable Sacrifice releases tomorrow afternoon. Get hyped for some intense tension between Rose and Celestara! Will seeing Celestara again bring back the terror of her childhood? Wait till tomorrow to find out!


Chapter 2 of A New Day will be out soon, finishing up some art and writing. Also this set of chapters, that I'm dubbing as an Arc, is an 8 chapter Arc which means we are 1/4 of the way through this first set of chapters. Not to get any hopes up but I plan for a LOT in the future. More than Tales of Time at least. Get ready for new lore, New characters and lots of mysteries to unravel!


Tomorrow is the day! Bayonetta: A New Day Chapter 1 arrives! I'm so excited to release this new chapter of my take on Bayonetta's wondrous world! Expect new magic, New characters, and plenty of art! All of the art, of course, will be drawn by me. And after chapter one release I won't PROMISE anything, but I will say it should come in two weeks maybe? Three tops. Itll take maybe a week to write, but then in comes the drawing phase, coloring, editing the photos to not look like crap through my camera, you get the idea.


I have a lot of work to do on finishing up chapter one of Bayonetta: A New Day before this Thursday. And so I wont be posting anymore teasers or such before then(I might post the occasional thing here now and then but nothing major or worthwhile) and so I'm giving one last BIG teaser for Chapter 1: A New Day. Enjoy, and see you all Thursday!
          (it doesn't state it but the following passage is in Rose's POV)
          A sharp wind breezes by, as the clouds cover the late winter sky. Exactly ten years ago, two large events befell the Clan: The first was the loss of Bayonetta, the most beloved member as of late. And the second was something much less saddening and far more happy: The arrival of a young boy to the doorstep of the Clan. Jeanne suspects a spell teleported him there, but nothing is certain aside from two things: One, that he was memory wiped by something magic, and powerful. He was five years old but everything aside from who he was and common knowledge was wiped from his memory. And two... That he was a halfling of some magical being. With his pink hair being naturally occurring, it was kind of obvious. He has never been interested in finding out however. It doesn't matter to me either way. Whether he's adopted or not, he's still my brother and it's been that way for ten years now. I love him and always will love him, regardless of his adoptive status.