
Hey guys!
          	 I know I have been AWOL for the longest time, but that doesn't mean ideas or thoughts of writing has stopped. I just got really busy with work and school. So I have some time on my hands so what would you like to see updated?


Hey guys!
           I know I have been AWOL for the longest time, but that doesn't mean ideas or thoughts of writing has stopped. I just got really busy with work and school. So I have some time on my hands so what would you like to see updated?


Hey all! I would like to take a moment and say you should give @voidance and @iconically a follow! Both are by the same users Tara! And may I say she is awesome! Her stories are wonderful (both original and fanfiction). So yeah pop on over there and show a girl some love:)
          Xxx cyn522


Aww thank you! I really appreciate that


            Your works are awesome! Write for you and you will find happiness!


So there is absolutely no reason for me updating and I feel extremely terrible for it. I have starting writing a chapter for TCD. I am a thousand or so words in, if that means anything to you all. I will give you all a few teasers. One is that some of it will be in Scott's point of view and another is this small excerpt of his point of view. If you like it please tell me, if you don't then feel free to tell me what you don't like about it. So without further ado here is the small excerpt:
          Scott’s POV:
          Normally I would get annoyed when Meg ignored me; even more so when she would stare at the popular table, especially if Jackson the jackass was sitting at the table. However, I am not so annoyed this time even if Jackson the jackass is at the table. Meg isn’t begging him to stare at her with her eyes this time; no instead she is worried about Tristan. Tristan has been acting pretty weird this morning and I don’t know how but somehow I can smell that something is going on with him. Maybe it’s my imagination. I shake my head and bring my eyes back to her. She has a strand of her hair curled around her index finger and her bottom lip is caught in between her white teeth as she puts all of her focus on Tristan. She just looks so… so… adorable. I feel my face get hot as I think that. If I tell Stiles that would give him a license to mock me for the rest of my life. 
          So there is a small taste of the next chapter - I am a little rusty, but writing this chapter has refreshed my memory a bit. Also, it's not all in Scott's point of view. I just wanted you guys get a little insight on how he feels about Meg, though I am pretty sure you all figured it out in chapter one and two. 
          Feel free to tell me how you all feel about it and if you have any ideas feel free to share. You all are very lovely for being patient and I going to post soon.


Okay, so I have some good news, another good news, bad news, and worse news. Good news is I got a job, bad news is I have less time to write. Worse news is I lost my USB drive and didn't have any back ups for my works on there. Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING was on that little piece of machinery. Another piece of good news is that I basically rember everything that was on the USB. I have a pretty good idea of what was on it so there is basically no problem in making more chapters and others. A little downside to that is I had some future works set aside that will be harder to rewrite. Sparks of inspiration wasted!!! Lesson here is have backups to everything!!! Okay so I am working on new chapters for all my works.
          I have a few story ideas coming up (these ones I had rough drafts written on paper, thank goodness) so those will be posted later. I think I am going to make a book of future works... Until later my lovelies:) 
          and remember to always have a backup for everything!!! Love you all:)