
/ he's left, thank god. cee bee or drop y'all.


finally ,, i can’t wait to hear the good news..


            ( mental turmoil and agony in the form of tears spilled down her cheeks. she could not stay calm ,, she was not stable for it. she could not do anything but sob uncontrollably ,, leaving his room and finding a dark place and a knife, where she could sob to her heart's content and fix the loud screeches of torturous affliction in her head. )


[ despite having numerous options for a potential partner to bear his child, he couldn't bring himself to make such a decision in the midst of his turmoil. even iris, someone he considered loyal, had rejected the idea of bearing his child, making him doubt the loyalty of any other woman. ]   SHUT UP – i don't need consolation, you hear me ? 


            ( aria couldn ' t fathom seeing in pain. it was too much for her to bear. ) victor ... i ... i ' ll give you an heir ( she would do anything to serve him. not because he was her 'master' but because she wanted to. )


you started sneaking into my apartment now ?  .. you won't find the pills there.


the last potion i applied to the wound already contained seventy percent of it,   [ opening the door of one of the wardrobes, he retrieved one of his own bath towels for her to use. as he handed it to her, he noticed her exhausted demeanor, resembling that of a zombie. ]   take a warm shower, but be careful not to get water on your wound.


            thank you ,, ( it was still burning ,, still in pain. but it would heal faster. her hand slowly moved to touch his fingers ,, very briefly. it was a rare sight to see her initiate personal contact. with anyone. ) er— is there ... have you got any dittany ?? ( she didn't need it ,, the pain was bearable. yet another excuse to talk to him ,, to touch him. aria did not know what had possessed her to behave this way ,, completely out of character. )


[ his brows furrowed in concentration as he meticulously stitched her wound, his delicate fingers working with precision over the torn flesh. each stitch was carefully placed, pulling the skin together to close the wound. despite the unpleasant task, he remained focused, his movements steady and practiced.
            finally, he stepped back to assess his handiwork. the wound was now neatly closed, the stitches forming a tight seal over the injury. considering the severity of the wound, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the outcome.


did i let you into this room ?


            you can't break them ,, ( it was rare to see her engage in such playful banter ,, she was known as quiet. but she had felt stable with him ,, a sense of belonging. for once in her life ,, something was constant. ) the defenses to get to them are too strong ,,


but the owner of those little tiny fingers that you claim so talented and deadly needs me.   [ with his characteristic air of mockery, he maintained a sardonic smile, casually running his hand through his hair as he observed his reflection in the mirror. ]   i can break them in seconds.


            it's these small fingers you should be afraid of. ( she had issued the cautionary advice ,, pulling out a ninja star and flicking it deftly into the frame behind him, landing in between the eyes of the portrait of an old lady. ) they can kill in seconds. you know ,, for a while i had a job as a contract killer. ( that was the point in life when she had been filthy rich ,, she'd had enough money to buy herself more weapons. )


from now on, you will take over iris' position in the ministry.


            ( the evident fear in her eyes was enough to betray the turmoil of panicking emotions that fermented in her mental state. but her jaw remained set in stone ,, the rest of her body depicting confidence. ) yeah. fine. ( she seemed less attached to him than she previously was ,, she had been trying to distance herself from him. not because she wanted to betray him ,, but because she was terrified of him and she never wanted him to find out. )


aria, aria, aria..   [ his charming facade remained intact, concealing the inner turmoil brewing beneath the surface. behind the veil of his charismatic demeanor, flames flickered in the depths of his icy blue eyes, betraying the intensity of his emotions. ]   do i look like i can handle another failure ?


            ( if she was affected by the mark on his back ,, she bore no visible reaction. some of the scars she more were much worse ,, though she did not show them to him ,, too insecure to allow herself to get vulnerable enough to show him any of her skin ) not like this ... i will mess things up for you ... i can't ... my sword —


look who’s here .. to what do i owe the pleasure ?


[ as her anguished cries filled the room, he remained a silent observer, his expression unreadable as he listened to her desperate pleas for help. it was a familiar scene, one he had orchestrated countless times before, yet each time felt no less satisfying. with practiced ease, he reached out to caress the wounds on her wrists, his touch gentle yet calculated. his breath danced across her skin, a whispered promise of solace and comfort, but beneath the veneer of tenderness lay a darker truth. for in her vulnerability lay his greatest power, and he would exploit it without remorse. she was his puppet, ensnared by his charm and charisma, and there was no escape from the web he had woven around her. ]


            ( his presence was comforting. her tears fell into his lap ,, her sobs subsiding with the sound of his gentle breathing. aria did not know how her hand found his ,, but she was hugging it dearly ,, holding it close to her chest. she had avoided any physical touch of affection or care from anyone ,, because she knew that if she tasted it once ,, she would always want more ,, the girl who had never had anyone love her or care for her. not even herself. )


[ despite his commanding presence, he acquiesced to her wishes with a surprising gentleness, as if yielding to her authority without question. his demeanor, though still composed, carried a subtle air of acquiescence, a silent acknowledgment of her desires. seating himself beside her, he made no move to assert his dominance, instead offering a silent invitation for her to lean against him,, letting her to rest  her head upon his thighs, he remained perfectly still, his touch light and comforting against her skin. ]


take this one, the recipe belongs to the one and only bagshot.


[ indeed, to an outsider, his actions may have appeared tender and caring, his demeanor that of a gentleman attending to a cherished companion. but beneath the surface lies a darkness, a complexity of thoughts and intentions that would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to glimpse into his mind. ]   that’s just the beginning, from now on, you'll always feel good around me..


            ( she did not know what he had given her ,, but it was strong. and it did more than the nine to ten potions she took three times a day. she was staring at him with admiration in her eyes and wonderstruck ,, breathing in the scent of his cologne like she was smelling it for the first time. how did he know her disorders?? how did he figure out what she needed?? the moment he withdrew his touch she was already craving more ,, but she did not voice this ,, she would never dare to. no ,, instead ,, her eyes followed his hands. ) i feel good ( she was murmuring softly,, her eyes never leaving his )


[ this was the difference that distinguished him from his ancestors, connecting people to him not with fear, but with an indivisible admiration. as he continued to caress her face with gentle precision, his fingers deftly weaving through her locks with a delicate touch. each movement was careful and deliberate, treating her with the same care one would afford to a fragile porcelain doll.
            the scent of his intoxicating perfume lingered in the air, filling the room with its alluring aroma. it was a scent that captivated the senses, drawing one in with its blend of masculinity and mystery. finally, as the last notes of the melody faded into silence, he pulled his hand away. ]   no, it's just one of the side effects. you'll be back to normal soon,,


i wasn’t expecting a visitor who isn’t enrolled in my class. what can i do for you ?


[  he was well aware of the power his charm held over women, a potent weapon in his arsenal that he wielded with precision. as he employed his considerable charisma to sway aria to his side, he did so with a calculated finesse, knowing exactly how to appeal to her desires and manipulate her emotions.
            and yet, when she finally acquiesced to his demands, victor’s satisfaction was palpable but fleeting. with a subtle nod of acknowledgment, he swiftly withdrew, his interest in her waning now that he had obtained the answer he sought. ]


            ( lips parting slightly ,, she allowed herself to lean into his touch ,, blushing slightly when he touched her hair. an innocent gesture ,, but no one touched her in a gentle manner ,, not since her father died many years ago. ) that works ,, ( she nodded ,, completely calm now ,, eyes fixated on him. her heart was beating intensely ,, yet another result of him touching her this way ;; she was flustered. after all ,, she was a woman ,, and he was very charming ,, not to mention handsome )


with a scenario that will allow me to see how well you use that knife,   [ despite the myriad of evil thoughts that typically occupy his mind, his focus narrowed to a singular purpose in this moment. with a calculated gentleness, he reached out to stroke her hair, his touch surprisingly soothing against the backdrop of his typically sinister demeanor. it was a deliberate move, a strategic play to calm her volatile emotions and subdue any potential outbursts. ]   i’ll send an owl to tell you where to meet me.