
getting back to writing! :) 


holy crap i just hit 1k reads on sign of the times and i am blown away. i haven’t been on here in a bit because of some personal stuff i’ve had to deal with, let me just say that boys are the worst, but coming on here and seeing this has seriously made my day. i’m so excited to keep writing and i hope you’ll stick around for the rest of the book. ❤️


Just reposted the first ten chapters and I’m so excited to keep writing. I’ve been a little stuck which is why it took me so long to finish editing and get back to writing again but I’m really happy with chapter ten and I’m even happier with chapter eleven! It’ll be posted either tonight or tomorrow depending on when I finish. (:


Did you stop writing sign of the times?): 


@olivia_ahart Thank you so much! Your feedback means everything to me, I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying it! I’m thinking I’ll have it back up by Tuesday, if not tomorrow. There will definitely be changes though, so you’ll want to reread the old chapters before starting the new ones! (:


Oh okay! I was sad i thought you decided to delete it, but i love it so much so far can’t wait to read the new version of it !!


I put up an author’s note that I was taking it down to edit and then would repost and continue writing! I loved the book but realized there was no true direction for it, so I wanted to change some things and figure out where I wanted it to go before continuing! I’m actually editing right now, and once I get finished I’ll be reposting and adding on, putting out the first ten chapters altogether! 


I honestly didn’t think that my book would get any reads, so having 59 reads so far since posting the first two chapters was so exciting! I know it isn’t much, but it’s everything to me. I’m excited to keep writing and sharing! ❤️


you’re the sweetest! thank you so much, you made my day girl! 


I honestly love it so much I need more!!!