


i find it hilarious that /apparently/ you're against bullying but literally right above it, you say you'd push justin bieber of a cliff. now i'm definitely not a fan of his, but seriously, what you're doing here is pathetic.
           by the way, i'm pretty positive your statistics are wrong. if you're going to hate on someone at least make sure your facts are correct, for god's sake.


Look, it's just a funny joke that was circulating across the internet. They're not my statistics. *shrug* I suppose you have a point but that's not bullying. That's homicide and murder. And it's not like I'd ever get a chance to push JB off a cliff. I suppose it's his music i really don't like. I've never met the guy...okay i'll stop judging him. As a person that is. 
            Assumptions and facts two very different things. Just be careful.