
In the depth of your consciousness, you will find my words. Listen to my subtle voice. Allow me to elevate your imagination, desires, make you laugh, cry, sometimes yearn to die, and in the end find completeness in spaces you never knew empty.
          My name is J. C. Burnham. I am your author.


          I just stopped by to welcome you to the wonderful world of wattpad.
          My name is Katherine and I am a wattpad ambassador. This means I get the best job of all… meeting and greeting newbies like you.
          Wattpad is a great place to be whether you are a reader or writer ,and I can only hope you come to love the site as much as I do. To help you get started on your watty journey, I suggest you check out the clubs section. There you can chat to users new and old, experiencing the community which makes wattpad so special and if you have any questions there are always people on hand to help. 

          I’ll leave you to get started but if you have any problems or questions, please feel free to ask me. 
          Katherine (aka me2you804) 
          Wattpad Ambassador