Welcome to the dark side of Wattpad! >:D

My name's EVIL but please call me by my real name, which is Clayton. Hmm... and what do I like to do in my spare time, you may ask? Well, I read a lot of books - anything from Star Wars EU, the Vampire Diaries books, Harry Potter, Twilight (lol. yes I seriously do read Twilight because I'm a Twihard.), and many, many more books too. My favorite stories are Of Mice and Men, 'Salem's Lot, The Shining, and so on. I've read too many good books, so it's hard to name them all.

And what about movies and TV shows? Well, tbh, I'm not a HUGE lover of television because they always put bs on TV nowadays, but I do watch some shows. The Vampire Diaries (surprised?), The Walking Dead, The Originals, and that's about it. Any recommendations? Please let me know! :D

Now, let's talk about movies. The Shawshank Redemption (YASSSS!), oh my goodness, terrific movie. Hell, I'd even say its a piece of art. Anyway, it's a really good movie. If you haven't seen it yet, well, then what are ya waiting for? Go watch it because you won't regret it - I promise.

Any favorite authors? Of course! Stephen King, anyone? J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series? YASSSSS! Yeah, I defiantly don't represent my username.


Anyway, in a short sentence, I'm just a book nerd who spends his time day dreaming instead of doing something that's actually productive. But hey, I'm okay with that. Books are awesome! Don't ya agree? I hope so because if not, you're sure missing out on some incredible material and authors. Readers, too.

Anyway, I'm about to run out of wording because I've been writing for so damn long.

G'night. : )
  • Sunny California - USA
  • JoinedDecember 18, 2014