
Hello everyone
          	I am not dead. I promise. A lot of things this past year have had to get sorted in my personal life with university, my abusive mother and multiple toxic/abusive friends. This has taken a giant toll on me mentally and as such I decided at the time that one of my abusers were correct.... I couldn't write well so I had no right to post. Or even go online to the platforms i posted on. I'm re evaluating a lot in my life and writing  is... hard in a new way for me. I have always been self conscious however now I'm scared of so much more.
          	 I want to go back to writing. especially after seeing some extremely kind messages and comments left for me.
          	I don't know exactly what that means for right now though. if it means a new account or just saying books here are finished ect. I hope to figure that soon.
          	love you all


@daydreamingninja007 those people are wrong and i hope you are able to get out of the abusive relationships soo 


I’m glad you’re back :) we all missed you a bunch. But I’m happy that you took time to yourself and I hope you’re feeling better. I’ve honestly been a bit worried, but again, I’m happy to see you back!!
          	  I just want you to know that you’re loved :D and we all love you ❤️❤️
          	  I’m sure you still know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m still here and open for ya ❤️


Hello everyone
          I am not dead. I promise. A lot of things this past year have had to get sorted in my personal life with university, my abusive mother and multiple toxic/abusive friends. This has taken a giant toll on me mentally and as such I decided at the time that one of my abusers were correct.... I couldn't write well so I had no right to post. Or even go online to the platforms i posted on. I'm re evaluating a lot in my life and writing  is... hard in a new way for me. I have always been self conscious however now I'm scared of so much more.
           I want to go back to writing. especially after seeing some extremely kind messages and comments left for me.
          I don't know exactly what that means for right now though. if it means a new account or just saying books here are finished ect. I hope to figure that soon.
          love you all


@daydreamingninja007 those people are wrong and i hope you are able to get out of the abusive relationships soo 


I’m glad you’re back :) we all missed you a bunch. But I’m happy that you took time to yourself and I hope you’re feeling better. I’ve honestly been a bit worried, but again, I’m happy to see you back!!
            I just want you to know that you’re loved :D and we all love you ❤️❤️
            I’m sure you still know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m still here and open for ya ❤️


*throws chocolate chips in the air* By the power invested in the marshmallow gods, I command you to be safe! Bury yourself in marshmallows if you want to stay healthy!  *pulls out a dump truck filled with chocolate chips* I command you


Good morning darlings!
          I’ve got some good and bad news!
          Bad news always goes first right? Okay well I think I’m taking a break from most of my current stories (yes the 10K one shot is not being dropped it’s almost done don’t worry). I just been eager to work with the characters.
          I have been wanting to experiment with two other fandoms! So those will be posted because I’m curious how they’ll turn out. One of them I’m new to and the other not so much...
          So prepare for some quirkless villain and daddy problem Icey hot and Thomas sanders cause I’m branching out!
          (Also this is sickly positive I apologize)


When you impulsively write a new story and post the chapter even though chapter two is only half finished and you have other stories that people actually want...
          hehe... sorry?


It’s fineeeeeee


If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you! We are true friends, we ride together we die together. Send this to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this! I want you to know that you are my friend until death and beyond. If I don’t get this back (which I have gotten back lol), I understand. But I have a game for you once you read this letter you must send it to 15 people, you can send it to the person who sent it to you, if you wish. If you receive at least three back, you are loved! ♥️♥️


Aw thank you so much! You have no clue how much this actually means to me. Although I’ll be honest I don’t do these chain messages I’d send it to you all the time! 


this message may be offensive
It'd been a while everyone! And I'm sorry about it...
          But i'm not getting into that right now, the apology is far to long and I wanna just give an update. Stories are coming!!! I promise! Voltron's Lieutenant could come up anyday, I just have to reconnect myself to the plot I have or edit it so I'll connect again. Plus Hell on Heelsand way too many PUR shit,
          besides that, The summer has been busy. I've been working for extra money and will be moving for university at the end of the month and I just turned 18! shocker since how immature I can get,
          but theres an isse I wanted to share to you all.
          I have terrible back pain that can debilitate me for days, the other day, I was finally told why. It's a cyst on my ovary. Doctors say it should be fine and non-cancerous but with how 'great' my family doctor is, I don't even know what kind of cyst this is or what problems this will and may cause me. 
          Most likely nothing will be done due to my age (what my doctor wants) so with this and university starting  soon, I ask for your understanding.
          Also if anyone knows stuff bout cyst I'd love to know more, my doctor didn't even tell me what it was and I had to look it up after ^^ thank you.


Thanks you so much for understanding! Your probably the biggest motivation I have for hell on heels so I swear it’ll be out soon! And thank you for everything else aswell


Oh god I hope it doesn’t cause anything and that you get better. It’s also alright if you don’t have time or motivation to write right now since you’re busy. I’ll wait and I’m sure others will. Congratulations on being 18 now! And good luck in University when you start! Take care and have a good day/night, till next time!